•Shift Down/Minus
•Shift Left
•Shift Right
• Return
• Menu&Confirm

Press “↑ “(+) OR ” ↓ “(-) to adjust the number.
Press ” ENT” to save the DATE and shift the clock setting window

Press “↑ “(+) OR ” ↓ “(-) to adjust the number.
Press ” ENT ” to save and return back to main interface.

Check that the pump is functioning properly using manual mode before using calibration mode.

-Press “→ “(shift right) OR ” ← “(shift left) to select 1/2/3/4
– Press”ENT”to Confirm.

The number adds from 0 ,view the cylinder liquid . When number shows 100ML , press “↑ ” to stop . Save this numerical value .
Press “ENT ” to save and back to the ” Correct Pumps ” page .


The water quality should be tested at least every 2 weeks when using a titration pump.
The outlet for titrating KH should be regularly cleaned of crystallization.
Do not place the titration pump in a damp environment
Please keep the machine on a horizontal plane during use . This will increase precision.